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TFC Class Overview
Sh8de: Well.... there's only one bit of advice I can give for this guy. RUN! The point of the scout is to capture the flag... not guard the base, not infiltrate the enemy, not heal your sick and dying, not do ANYTHING but run in, get the enemy flag, and run out again. That's it, that's all. If I catch anyone actually trying to kill enemies with the scout... they get laughed at. Because he runs twice as fast as any other class, his only use is running. Oh ya... his caltrops. Use those when you're running away, it'll slow the enemies down even more.

Owl:Right on, I couldn't have described him better.

Wyveric: Amen!

Sh8de: Yet another single use character, pretty much, he literally isn't good as anything BUT a sniper. He has almost no grenades, he has only one passable assault weapon, and it still sucks, and he has only a LITTLE more life than the scout. So why include this class? Cause he's freaking fun! His job is this, to pull out his sniper rifle, and shoot anything on the other team that moves, changes classes while it's dead, or changes colours. If you're a good shot, or even if you're not, he's really enjoyable.

Owl:If used by a master, the sniper can go head to head with the best of them although you shouldn't try this literally. Any sniper who directly challenges some of the more combat oriented classes may be in for some serious trouble, but if you use the snipers long range you will be a lot more dangerous.

Wyveric: Hmm... Sorry Owl, I don't think he's any good for close combat/general combat duties. And, in fact, the snipers aren't too much use in general because, well, you guess: What do you think the snipers sniper on maps like 2fort? The other snipers! That's all. That's it. Not too much use if you ask me. Why include this class? Because no game can be considered fully complete without some form of sniping device.

Sh8de: He's kind of an all purpose, somewhat crappy, but occasionally interesting to experiment with class. He's kinda good at base defense, he's kinda good at attacking, but he mostly just backs the HWguys and the snipers up. His rockets do a little damage, but they dont' have the little laser dot anymore, so they just go in a straight line, and he has a bit of life, but you'd be amazed at how fast it deserts you. Nope, faster than that even. So, use him when you're really bored, but otherwise, ignore this class. Oh... wait, I almost forgot his grenades too... he gets 4 regular ones, and 1 that falls on the floor, waits a bit, then jumps at and shoots nails out of every orifice for a few seconds then explodes. It's fun to watch.

Owl:Sorry Sh8de, but I couldn't disagree more about this class. The soldier is probably the best class in the game for most people. I am no master, but on multiple occasions I have gone alone into the other base and wreaked some serious havoc, killing over 6 guys then taking the flag and scoring. How many other classes can easily do this? I usually ban myself from using this class when I am playing on a casual server because it is just too cheap.

Wyveric: Uhuh... Lets see here... Where to start with what you said thats wrong... Wait, I know, lets just whipe the slates clean and I'll tell you about the soldier, ignoring all of their *ahem* beleifs. The soldier is good at as a general player and useful for a couple of specific tasks. The tasks include (1) Rockets to kill sentry guns. (2) Sending rockets across the level at the enemy snipers and (3) Somewhat good at flag defense. He can attack okay and he can defend okay despite his rockets that do not nearly enough damage. I don't care if TFC decrease damage of things in general, this is still a R-O-C-K-E-T as in explosion as in SHOULD BE FAIRLY PAINFUL (if not deadly on contact)!

Sh8de: BOOM BABY BOOM!! YA! Well, not really. You'd think from his name that he could almost literally ignite the level with the click of a button. Unfortunately, he can't. You have to be able to use him well to do any real damage. Luckily though, he has uses for the not so experienced but more intelligent players. Using his detpack (hold "m" for about 4 seconds to drop one) he can open up passages that were otherwise innaccesible. It's also fun to drop detpacks nere enemy players, just to see if you can actually get away with it *heh* and when you do, it's really kewl, cause they all die instantly! YA! Anyway, his other weapons are grenade launcher, pipe bomb launcher, grenades, and MIRVS. The grenade launcher is way better than grenades tho, because it detonates on impact. And MIRVS are fun, because after they blow up, they throw out a bunch of little tiny ones that blow up. Muhahahahahahaha!

Owl:His pipe bomb launcher can't compare to the grenade launcher in Quake 2 (It doesn't sound as cool either :), but if used well, he can be a serious threat.

Wyveric: Yeah, Owl is right, the pipebomb launcher, if use right, is a really useful weapon. Turrets and flag stealsers die at the special ability button when a proper pipebomb trap is laid. Demomen are actually very useful as the classes go.

Sh8de: This character, unfortunately, has only two uses. Healing and infecting. Both useful, but neither really fun. Your team will thank you for being a medic, but, I only suggest it if you like the boring jobs. Healing ppl gets old after a while, and although infecting is fun, which means you use your medikit on the enemy team, afterwards you have to run around and cure everyone on your team who also got sick. *sigh* the life of the medic is never easy.

Owl:Take it back! All of it! Back, BACK, BACK!!! The medic is my favorite class. He's got quite a bit of life, he has some good close range weapons, he can heal himself and others, and most importantly many players think he sucks, so they underestimate him. So many players seem to forget he has any weapons besides the med pack, which is ok, but wouldn't you rather be toting a shotgun?!

Wyveric: Well... I must say, the medic is definitely a team player. He heals people and does the menial tasks. Be him if you care about winning, be something else if killing is your goal.

Sh8de: Possibly the most fleetingly enjoyable class, the HWGuy is the all purpose tool of death in either defense or offense. I make it sound like he's got a big arsenal tho, he doesn't. The following weapons of his are useful: the assault cannon and the MIRV grenade. Nothin else. Which is fine by me. This allows him to do two things, blows things up, and chop them into little chunkies. You blow things up with the MIRV and chop things into little chunkies with your assault cannon. it's amazing how fast some ppl die when you bring either to bear on them. The one thing you have to watch out for tho, the assault cannon kills any speed you might have, and he's normally a slow class. Any other info I'm not at liberty to divulge.

Owl:Sh8de, you may not be allowed to tell us more, but I can! The HWGuy is great for solo base defense and he CAN be good for offensive situations. I said that, because the HW Guy is just sooo slow that although he may be able to infiltrate the enemy base and perhaps even get the flag, he stands very little chance of scoring… UNLESS he is supported by a teammate. Just one teammate accompanying the HWGuy can greatly increase your chances of success. I suggest pairing him with a skilled player using either a medic, scout or soldier. If you have all three of these characters accompany the HWGuy then you will be almost unstoppable!

Wyveric: Hmm... One thing to add: The HW guy is not too good for flag defense. Why? Because any class with speed (spy, sniper, scout) can easily grab the flag and run buy before the HW guy can charge his gun and he's so slow, he obviously can't follow.

Sh8de: I hate this class. I would prefer to be anybody pretty much, except the pyro. And this is why. His weapons SUCK! Neither the flame thrower or the incendiary cannon (rocket launcher that lights ppl up) do much damage, and even his fire grenade doesn't do too much. Although it is fun, occasionally, to watch ppl get lit on fire. Anyway, I haven't found a great use for this guy, so, don't be him.

Owl: Yes, most of the time this guy just plain sucks, although his fire attacks can be pretty which is why many ignorant people use. (speaking of fire, any pyromaniac players, please don't flame me for that). His weapons can occasionally be very useful to attack guys, especially as they come through a door. If you anticipate an enemy approaching a door, throw a fire grenade. Chances are he won't even notice the fire until he's stepping in it. Follow up with either your cannon or even flame thrower and you'll have one roasted chicken.

Wyveric: Owl, sorry, I have to agree with SH8DE on this one... The Pyro, like the Soldier, does way, way, way, way too little damage! You would think that being set on fire for long periods of time would take a hell of a lot of life away, rather than be a minor annoyance.

Sh8de: Possibly the most useful class in the entire freaking game, he's also my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE. He's fun, deadly, and able to avoid attention easily. He can also pretend to die *heh* So, here's what you do with him. Change your colour and class to an enemies and sneak into their base. Here you can do three things. Drop Hallucinogenic grenades in strategic places and make everyone on the other team see things that aren't there, steal the flag without them noticing, or discreetly knife ppl in the back. Any of them are fun, and all are profitable. Oh ya, what to do with his tranq gun? Well, if you're chasing ppl down a hallway and have to knife them before they get to the end, shoot them with it. This'll, I think, half their speed so you can easily catch up and stick your blade in their back. Knifing ppl in the back kills them instantly btw.

Owl:Pretending you're James Bond as never been this much fun!.. not that I ever have… Unfortunately if someone figures you out you'll be wishing Q had given you some more explosive gadgets.

Wyveric: Two good spy players (SH8DE and I) can do all the scoring a team needs! I have teamed up with him to win multiple games for our team while they defend or do whatever they want. Oh, and drastically unlike the medic, the spy is not a team player, more of a loner to be exact.

Sh8de: No one actually starts as an engineer, they eventually become him tho. He's fun, and really good at guarding. Ok, correction, his creations are really good at guarding. Use him to build turret guns, upgrade them, and maintain them, in strategic spots to shoot the enemy. Be warned tho, there are three types of turret guns. Useless ones, functional ones, and well placed ones. Useless ones are put in a place that seems good, like your control room or your resupply room, or your front lobby, but they do diddly shyt. Functional ones hit ppl, but are easily destroyed and need a lot of maintenance. Well placed ones hit people, and can hardly be seen.Forget about building dispensers as anything but road blocks, they aren't extremely useful.

Owl:There is one thing I cannot stress enough about the turrets people. Do NOT forget to rotate them so they face a good direction and do NOT forget to put ammo in them. I have seen people forget to do these things so many times. *Sigh*

Wyveric: Ah, the life on an engineer. It's fun, profitable, deliciously defensive, and loving as you nuture your turret to level three with full ammo... Then someone destroys it and turns you into a maniac where as you race into the enemy base and kill as many enemies as you can with your engineers gun, which is very good, seeking vengence.

Owl's 2 TFC Rules of life or death:
(1) In TFC you are not a samurai - don't worry about fighting for honor or having a fair fight - find an unsuspecting enemy and take him out before he knows who's shooting
(2) As mentioned above, don't worry about honor or dignity, if you get in over your head, RUN!

Wyveric's 2 TFC Rules:
(1) Be a spy.
(2) Or an Engineer.